Who may participate?
The competition is open for all packaging solutions designed, constructed or manufactured in one of the Nordic Countries. Packaging solutions made in other countries but sold by a Nordic company or ordered by a Nordic customer may also participate. Packaging entries must be marketed before the entry date and must not have been in any previous ScanStar competitions.
Entries can be made by designers, constructors, manufacturers or buyers of packaging with an approval from the other stakeholders. Each company has the right to enter an unlimited number of packages that comply with the rules of the competition.
How to enter the competition?
Next dead line will be June 7, 2025. The entry fee (1000 euros) is to be paid by invoice.
Physical samples of entries must be sent by post by June 10th, 2025 in two specimens: One should be filled with a product (if possible) and the other one should be empty. The entries must be custom cleared with no costs for the receiver.
Details and entry form will be published later.
Choose the aspect your packaging should be judged by:
- A new idea/new application
- Protection ability
- Price/cost savings
- User friendliness
- Design
- Environment
The packaging should be entered by the following categories:
- Consumer packaging
- Transport/distribution packaging
- Other packaging
The entries will be judged by a jury, and the winners will be announced on September 2st 2025. The Award ceremony will be held at Emballasjedagene in Norway on XX .
Good tips:
- Describe why your packaging deserves a ScanStar in more than one sentence
- Add photos, Power Point presentation etc.
- Use your smart phone to make a short video presentation, if possible.
- More information:
Bjørn Vilberg, bjorn@emballasjeforeningen.no,
+ 47 478 31 197